
President Message (2012)
2012-03-25 18:06:58, Hit : 3,623 |

Dear distinguished members,
I am very pleased and honored to serve as the 6th President of Korea English Education Society (KEES). As President of this academic society, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the members of KEES for having made such significant contributions to the field of English language education in Korea. As President today, I am particularly indebted to past presidents and board members. The KEES has grown to become one of the most vital and effective academic associations of English language education in Korea, and such an achievement would not have been possible without tremendous and determined efforts made by all past presidents and board members.
TAs teachers and researchers of the English language education, we are faced with new innovative requirements and new methods of teaching English. We will need to forge new findings and practices that will be utilized in English language education in Korea and the world. Together with new board members, I will make sure that our academic society afford the members many opportunities to actively participate in creating, developing, and implementing innovative and effective teaching principles and techniques for English education.
I hope that you will find this society a worthwhile endeavor and that you will enjoy the privilege of being members of KEES. Thank you.
Youngsik Lee, Ph.D. |

Room 317-1, Teachers¡¯ College Building, Mokwon Univ. 88 Doanbuk-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, South Korea
Tel. +82-42-829-7448(7440) Fax. +82-42-829-7038
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