President's Message 2016
2016-05-14 15:35:35, Hit : 2,361 |
Dear Distinguished Members of the KEES,
I am greatly honored to serve the Korea English Education Society (KEES) as the 8th president. I would like to express my most profound gratitude to all of the board members, including former presidents, for their warm support. I feel a strong sense of responsibility and will make every effort for the good of the society and the advancement of English education in Korea.
Despite its short history, the KEES has grown to become one of the leading societies in English education since its foundation in 2001. The society strongly appeals to scholars, researchers, and teachers of English education nationwide and worldwide due to its orientation that seeks solutions to English education mostly in action research or on-the-spot studies in the classroom. I believe this orientation, or identity, attained over the past years, necessarily prepares us to steer through to the future of English education.
In order to consolidate this orientation further, first, I will create Subject Division, a division of the society that will be in charge of making on-the-spot researches. I will provide a variety of venues in which teachers and researchers are able to do research and development and present their results. By combining theory and practice, the division will hopefully contribute to the research and development of an EFL model for English education.
Second, along the same line, I will make an attempt to hold the annual international conference around EFL countries, particularly Korea, China, and Japan. The international conference will relatively become a small one but seek the learners¡¯ real and felt concerns and offer new solutions for them. By taking turns convening the conference every year, the three countries in East Asia, which have the similar backgrounds and educational policies, will be expected to provide an EFL solution to the problems of English education.
Third, through the international conference, I will boost the prestige and image of the journal of the KEES in the international community of the English education field, raising its status on the world stage.
Together with the new board members, I will continue to create a new conducive environment to meet the initiatives above. Once again, I would like to give my deepest thanks to the honorable KEES members and look forward to your generous support. The success of the society critically depends on your continuous encouragement and advice and active participation. Thank you.
Kyong-Hahn Kim, President |
Room 317-1, Teachers¡¯ College Building, Mokwon Univ. 88 Doanbuk-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, South Korea
Tel. +82-42-829-7448(7440) Fax. +82-42-829-7038
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